Uses of Package

Packages that use scone
scone.accesstracking Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser. 
scone.examples.magnifier The Magnifyer Plugin enlarges all headings and large text elements in a Web page. 
scone.examples.observertest The Observertest shows how the Accesstracking works and how to react on user actions. 
scone.examples.rueckspiegel The Rückspiegel shows incoming links as thumbnails and demonstrates how to program the robot of scone. 
scone.examples.statusbar The statusbar plugin demonstrates how to write a simple Scone plugin. 
scone.proxy This package contains the classes related to the proxy. 
scone.robot This package provides a configurable high-performance web-robot. 
scone.usertesttool Scone's usertesttool: TEA (Test Environment for Automation) "TEA" -- Scone's UserTestTool -- was developed to support usability experts while performing user tests. 
scone.util Contains utility classes. 

Classes in scone used by scone.accesstracking
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.examples.magnifier
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.examples.observertest
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.examples.rueckspiegel
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.examples.servlink
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.examples.statusbar
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.proxy
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.robot
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.usertesttool
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.

Classes in scone used by scone.util
          Classes implementing this interface may be registered as a plugin.