Package scone.util

Contains utility classes.


Class Summary
AlertBox An simple Swing-Alertbox for Scone Description: Is used to display a text in a dialog box until the user presses OK.
BrowserControl A simple, static class to display a URL in the system browser.
ConfigGui The Scone configuration GUI.
DocumentParser transforms tokens into database objects.
DOMWriter converts a DOM into a text document.
ErrorLog class to log all exceptions into a file or any outputstream
Google represents the Google search engine.
LanguageAnalyzer tries to find out the language of a list of words.
NodeEnumeration represents the children of a specified XML node which have the specified name
PersistentProperties Properties which are defined and stored in an XML document.
PersistentPropertiesGui PersistentPropertiesGUI creates a GUI for Scone Plugins and for Database and Accesstracking features.
PluginRepository a repository of Scone plugins.
PluginRepositoryEntry represents a a Scone plugin which states (enabled/disabled) are mirrored in an XML element.
POCreator this class automatically generates objects representing sql-records WARNING: The status of this class is currently not known!
ServiceThread a Thread for service tasks like cache cleaning.
ThreadPool an unlimited pool of Threads.
WbiKillerGUI This Frame is able to shutdown or abort WBI (and thus Scone)
XMLHelper an XML helper class.

Package scone.util Description

Contains utility classes.