Package scone.accesstracking

Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser.


Class Summary
AccessTrackingMeg This meg creates the user logging entries in the access database.
AppletConnector Every time, LogApplet connects to RAS (, RAS starts an instance of this class that lives as long as the connection of the applet.
BodyEventAdder Adds events to the BODY-Tag to track the actions of a user.
ConfigAccess This Class allows instances of AppletConnector to access the AccessTracking properties.
EventDecoder The methods of this class are called by AppletConnector.
FormSubmitEventAdder Adds events to the BODY-Tag to track the actions of a user.
FrameAccess This Class stores all active frames in a list.
FrameAccessEntry This class holds the data for every FrameAccessEntry
FrameAccessObject This Class can be inherited by classes that want to be informed on any change of open frames.
FrameAccessTest This thread demonstrates the use of the FrameAccess class.
FrameHistory Keeps the history of one Window/Frame of a Web-browser to amalyse the movements of the user.
FrameSet FrameSet stores two or more Access objects to allow FrameHistory to work with frame sets
IESpyConnector Every time, LogApplet connects to RAS (, RAS starts an instance of this class that lives as long as the connection of the applet.
IESpyData Diese Klasse enthält Daten über die momentan angezeigte Internet Seite einer bestimmten IE Instanz
IESpyEventDecoder The methods of this class are called by AppletConnector.
IESpyLastAction Diese Klasse enthält Daten über die letzte Aktion, die zum Seitenwechsel führte
JavaScriptAdder Adds line in header to get JavaScript code from AccessTrackingMeg, which tracks user actions.
LinkEventAdder Adds onClick-Events to all A and AREA elements.
MyFrameAccess This Class can be inherited by classes that want to be informed on any change of open frames.
NoHTMLAccessMeg This meg creates the user logging entries in the access database for non-html documents...
TimeStoreScriptAdder Inserts a piece of JavaScript code on top of HTML-Page, that stores the actual Time.
UserHandlingMeg This meg creates the user logging entries in the access database.

Package scone.accesstracking Description

Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser. Different kinds of access events can be generated, depending on whether he clicked a link, filled a form or pushed the back-button. Every of these Actions creates an Acess-Object.

The Access Tracking also includes user handling functions and functions to control the browser.

This Version of the Scone Access Tracking works best with Internet Explorer 4 - 6 on Windows NT, 2000, XP and Netscape 4,5 - 4,7x.