Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleUri
scone.netobjects This package provides objects which represent real objects from the internet and the WWW. 
scone.robot This package provides a configurable high-performance web-robot. 
scone.thumbnailgenerator Generates a thumbnail-image of a document under a specified URL. 

Uses of SimpleUri in scone.netobjects

Fields in scone.netobjects declared as SimpleUri
protected  SimpleUri SimpleUri.base
protected  SimpleUri NetNode.sUri

Methods in scone.netobjects that return SimpleUri
 SimpleUri NetNode.getSUri()
          Returns the parsed URI of the node
 SimpleUri HtmlNode.getSUri()
          Returns the parsed URI of the node

Methods in scone.netobjects with parameters of type SimpleUri
 boolean SimpleUri.equals(SimpleUri uri)
          Compare this SimpleUri to another SimpleUri.
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(SimpleUri sUri)
          get/create a NetNode by SimpleUri
NetNodes are stored only on demand or if cache cleaer (@link{CacheTable}) is running.
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(SimpleUri sUri, boolean persistent)
          get/create a NetNode by SimpleUri

Constructors in scone.netobjects with parameters of type SimpleUri
NetNode(SimpleUri sUri)
          Creates or reads a NetNodeCache set in the scone database
The corresponding set in the scone database is identified by the URI.
SimpleUri(SimpleUri base, java.lang.String uriString)
          Create a new SimpleUri to a base URI.

Uses of SimpleUri in scone.robot

Methods in scone.robot that return SimpleUri
 SimpleUri RobotHtmlNode.getSimpleUri()
          Get the simpleUri of this Node
 SimpleUri RobotTask.getStartURI()
          Get the start URI of this task
 SimpleUri QueueEntry.getURI()
          Get the url of this queueEntry

Methods in scone.robot with parameters of type SimpleUri
 int URLQueue.getNumberOfPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          The number of queueEntries from different tasks waiting to download this url
 int Robot.getNumberOfPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          Get the number of QueueEntries for this uri
 int GenericURLQueue.getNumberOfPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          The number of queueEntries from different tasks waiting to download this url
 QueueEntry RobotTask.getOpenUri(SimpleUri uri)
          Checks if there's an element in this task's list of open URIs which is equal to uri
 java.util.Vector URLQueue.getPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          The vector with all queueEntries from different tasks waiting to download this url
 java.util.Vector Robot.getPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          Use this method to get the Vector of QueueEntries for this uri
 java.util.Vector GenericURLQueue.getPendingQueueEntries(SimpleUri uri)
          The vector with all queueEntries from different tasks waiting to download this url
 QueueEntry URLQueue.getPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Get the entry belonging to robotTask and waiting to download url
 QueueEntry Robot.getPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Use this method to get the QueueEntry with the same url from the URLQueue which belongs to the robotTask
 QueueEntry GenericURLQueue.getPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Get the entry belonging to robotTask and waiting to download url
 RobotHtmlNode RobotTask.getResultNode(SimpleUri uri)
          Get the result node with the URI equal to the parameter uri
 boolean RobotTask.isOpenUri(SimpleUri uri)
          Checks if there's an element in this task's list of open URIs which is equal to uri
 boolean URLQueue.isPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Checks, if there is an entry belonging to robotTask, which is waiting to download url
 boolean Robot.isPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Use this method to check if an url is pending in the execution of a robotTask
 boolean GenericURLQueue.isPendingURL(SimpleUri uri, RobotTask robotTask)
          Checks, if there is an entry belonging to robotTask, which is waiting to download url
 boolean RobotTask.isResultUri(SimpleUri uri)
          Checks if this URI is in the result

Constructors in scone.robot with parameters of type SimpleUri
QueueEntry(SimpleUri uri, int depth, RobotTask robotTask)
RobotTask(SimpleUri startURI, int depth, int restriction, RobotUser robotUser)

Uses of SimpleUri in scone.thumbnailgenerator

Methods in scone.thumbnailgenerator with parameters of type SimpleUri
 void ThumbnailGenerator.generateThumbnail(SimpleUri sUri)
          Generates a thumbnail of the document displayed at the specified URI