Uses of Class

Packages that use NetNode
scone.netobjects This package provides objects which represent real objects from the internet and the WWW. 
scone.robot This package provides a configurable high-performance web-robot. 

Uses of NetNode in scone.netobjects

Fields in scone.netobjects declared as NetNode
protected  NetNode Inclusion.childNode
protected  NetNode Link.fromNode
protected  NetNode Node2Key.node
protected  NetNode HtmlNode.node
protected  NetNode Inclusion.parentNode
protected  NetNode Link.toNode

Methods in scone.netobjects that return NetNode
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(NetNode base, java.lang.String link)
          get/create a NetNode by NetNodebase and link
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(SimpleUri sUri)
          get/create a NetNode by SimpleUri
NetNodes are stored only on demand or if cache cleaer (@link{CacheTable}) is running.
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(SimpleUri sUri, boolean persistent)
          get/create a NetNode by SimpleUri
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(java.lang.String uriString)
          get/create a NetNode by plain String
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(java.lang.String id, boolean persistent)
          returns the NetNode stored in the database under the specified id.
static NetNode NetNodeCache.getById(java.lang.String id)
          returns the NetNode stored in the database under the specified id.
 NetNode Inclusion.getChildNode()
          returns the included node
 NetNode Link.getFromNode()
          returns the node in which the link is defined
 NetNode Node2Key.getNode()
 NetNode HtmlNode.getNode()
          returns the NetNode where this document is stored
 NetNode AccessEvent.getNode()
          returns the accessed NetNode
 NetNode Access.getNode()
          returns the accessed node
 NetNode Access.getParentFrameNode()
          returns the node in the parent frame
 NetNode Inclusion.getParentNode()
          returns the Node where the inclusion is defined
 NetNode Access.getReferrerNode()
          returns the referrer node
 NetNode Link.getToNode()
          returns the node to which the link is pointing

Methods in scone.netobjects with parameters of type NetNode
static void Node2KeyCache.associate(NetNode node, Keyword keyword)
static HtmlNode HtmlNodeCache.check(NetNode node)
          This method will return the required HtmlNode if it exists in the database, and null otherwise.
static HtmlNode HtmlNodeCache.check(NetNode node, boolean persistent)
          This method will return the required HtmlNode if it exists in the database, and null otherwise.
static HtmlNode HtmlNodeCache.get(NetNode node)
          This methid will return and potentially create the required HtmlNode.
static HtmlNode HtmlNodeCache.get(NetNode node, boolean persistent)
          This method will return and potentially create the required HtmlNode.
static Inclusion InclusionCache.get(NetNode parent, NetNode child)
          get/create an Inclusion which is defined in parent and includes child
static Link LinkCache.get(NetNode from, NetNode to, java.lang.String fragment)
          returns the link defined in from, ponting to to
static Link LinkCache.get(NetNode from, NetNode to, java.lang.String fragment, adc.parser.HtmlTag tag)
          returns the link defined in from, ponting to to
static Link LinkCache.get(NetNode from, NetNode to, java.lang.String fragment, adc.parser.HtmlTag tag, boolean persistent)
          returns the link defined in from, ponting to to
static NetNode NetNodeCache.get(NetNode base, java.lang.String link)
          get/create a NetNode by NetNodebase and link
static java.util.Vector InclusionCache.getIncludedObjects(NetNode from)
          Returns all inclusion objekts of a NetNode
static LinkVector LinkCache.getLinksFrom(NetNode from)
          returns the links defined in from
static LinkVector LinkCache.getLinksTo(NetNode to)
          returns the links pointing to to

Constructors in scone.netobjects with parameters of type NetNode
HtmlNode(NetNode node)
          creates a new HtmlNode (a NetNode that represents a Html document)
Inclusion(NetNode parent, NetNode child)
          Creates a new Inclusion object.
Link(NetNode from, NetNode to, java.lang.String fragment)
Node2Key(NetNode node, Keyword keyword)

Uses of NetNode in scone.robot

Methods in scone.robot that return NetNode
 NetNode RobotHtmlNode.getNetNode()
          Get the netNode

Methods in scone.robot with parameters of type NetNode
 void RobotHtmlNode.setNetNode(NetNode netNode)
          Set the netNode

Constructors in scone.robot with parameters of type NetNode
RobotHtmlNode(NetNode netNode, int scannedDepth)