Uses of Class

Packages that use DBTableAdapter
scone.netobjects This package provides objects which represent real objects from the internet and the WWW. 

Uses of DBTableAdapter in scone.netobjects

Fields in scone.netobjects declared as DBTableAdapter
protected static DBTableAdapter User.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Server.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Person.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Node2Key.dbTable
static DBTableAdapter NetNode.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Link.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Keyword.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Inclusion.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter HtmlNode.dbTable
protected static DBTableAdapter Access.dbTable

Methods in scone.netobjects with parameters of type DBTableAdapter
static void Schema.initialize(DBTableAdapter adapter)
          initializes a DBTableAdapter fills the internal definition tables of the adapter with the values read from the sql definition