Uses of Class

Packages that use Access
scone.accesstracking Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser. 
scone.accesstracking2 Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser. 
scone.netobjects This package provides objects which represent real objects from the internet and the WWW. 
scone.usertesttool Scone's usertesttool: TEA (Test Environment for Automation) "TEA" -- Scone's UserTestTool -- was developed to support usability experts while performing user tests. 

Uses of Access in scone.accesstracking

Methods in scone.accesstracking that return Access
 Access FrameAccessEntry.getAccessObject()
 Access FrameAccessObject.getAccessObject(java.lang.String parentFrameAndFrameName)
          Gets the Access object for a specific parentFrameAndFrameName.
 Access FrameAccess.getAccessObject(java.lang.String parentFrameAndFrameName)
          Gets the Access object for a specific parentFrameAndFrameName.
 Access FrameAccessObject.getAccessObject(java.lang.String parentFrameName, java.lang.String frameName)
          Gets the Access object for a specific frameName.
 Access FrameAccess.getAccessObject(java.lang.String parentFrameName, java.lang.String frameName)
          Gets the Access object for a specific frameName.
 Access FrameSet.getFirstEvent()
          Get first access object of this FrameSet
 Access FrameSet.getLastEvent(java.lang.String frameName)
          Get last access event
 Access FrameHistory.getLastEvent(java.lang.String frameName)
          Get last access event

Methods in scone.accesstracking with parameters of type Access
 void FrameHistory.add(java.lang.String megTime, Access a)
          Removes history entries behind actual position and adds the new Access object to history list.
 void FrameAccess.addAccessObject(java.lang.String parentFrameName, java.lang.String frameName, Access accessObject)
          This method adds the corresponding access object to a specific frame
 void FrameSet.addToFrameSet(java.lang.String megTime, Access a)
          Adds a new Access object and a megTime to the FrameSet.
 boolean FrameSet.containsPageLike(Access a)
          Checks if the Access object matches one in the FrameSet in following fields:
userId, nodeId, frameName, fragment, query
If one of the entries is a FrameSet itself, it is searched recursively with it's containsPageLike method.
 boolean FrameHistory.containsPageLike(Access a)
          Checks if the given Access object matches one in the FrameHistory in following fields:
userId, nodeId, frameName, fragment, query
If there a FrameSets in this FrameHistory, FrameSet.containsPageLike is invoked in the FrameSet and subframesets
 int FrameHistory.getDistanceOfPageLike(Access a)
          Get distance of position and matching Access Object a in the FrameHistory.
 void FrameSet.replaceEvent(java.lang.String frameName, java.lang.String megTime, Access a)
          Replace last megTime and access object
 void FrameHistory.replaceLastEvent(java.lang.String megTime, Access a)
          Replace last megTime and access event
 void FrameHistory.replaceLastEvent(java.lang.String frameName, java.lang.String megTime, Access a)
          Replace last megTime and access event.
 void FrameAccessEntry.setAccessObject(Access accessObject)

Uses of Access in scone.accesstracking2

Methods in scone.accesstracking2 that return Access
 Access FrameHistory.getEventAt(int i)
          Get access event at position i
 Access FrameHistory.getLastEvent()
          Get last access event

Methods in scone.accesstracking2 with parameters of type Access
 void FrameHistory.add(Access a)
          Adds the new Access object to history list.
 boolean FrameHistory.contains(Access a)
          Checks if the given Access object matches one in the FrameHistory in following fields:
userId, nodeId, frameName, fragment, query
 int FrameHistory.getPosition(Access a)
          Get position and matching Access Object a in the FrameHistory.
 void FrameHistory.replaceLastEvent(Access a)
          Replace last megTime and access event
 void FrameHistory.replaceLastEvent(java.lang.String frameName, Access a)
          Replace last megTime and access event.

Uses of Access in scone.netobjects

Fields in scone.netobjects declared as Access
protected  Access AccessEvent.access

Methods in scone.netobjects that return Access
static Access AccessCache.get(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String nodeId, long time, java.lang.String frameName)
          returns an Access object to a specific key
 Access AccessEvent.getAccess()
          returns the Access object

Constructors in scone.netobjects with parameters of type Access
AccessEvent(Access access)
          creates a new AccessEvent

Uses of Access in scone.usertesttool

Methods in scone.usertesttool with parameters of type Access
 void UserTestControl.pageLoading(Access access)
          This method is called by EventObserver, everytime the Browser loads a new page.
 void UserTestControl.pageUnloading(Access access)