Uses of Class

Packages that use FrameSet
scone.accesstracking Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser. 

Uses of FrameSet in scone.accesstracking

Methods in scone.accesstracking with parameters of type FrameSet
 void FrameHistory.add(java.lang.String megTime, FrameSet frameSet)
          Removes history entries behind actual position and adds the new FrameSet object to history list.
 void FrameSet.addToFrameSet(java.lang.String megTime, FrameSet fs)
          Adds a new FrameSet object and a megTime to the FrameSet.
 void FrameSet.copyUnstoppedEvents(FrameSet source)
          Copy unstopped events: all Access objects that have not been stopped (have an stay time > 0) are Frames that have not changed in FrameSet and have to be copied to the next FrameSet
 void FrameHistory.insert(java.lang.String megTime, FrameSet frameSet)
          Inserts the new FrameSet object without removing all history entries behind actual position and increases the position pointer.